

Best Benefits of Working in a Coworking Space.

13 Sep 2024 | 41 Views | 0 Comments

Embracing flexibility in the workplace is more than a trend; it's the way professional life is becoming more dynamic and much more connected. The article discusses coworking space benefits that meet an extremely wide range of professional needs: from freelancers who chose to.....

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6 Online Business Ideas You Can Start Working On Now
26 Nov 2018 | 609 Views | 0 Comments

6 Online Business Ideas You Can Start Working On Now

Internet is one of the fantastic products of the human mind. It solves almost every problem, has answer to almost all the queries and now you know how to use it to earn money. There are a large number of ideas you can start working on to earn from the internet......

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Office Lifestyle

How to Deal with Rude People at Workplace
23 Nov 2018 | 996 Views | 0 Comments

How to Deal with Rude People at Workplace

Unfortunately, ill-bred and bad-mannered co-workers exist at virtually every workplace and communicating with them can put a major impact on your mood. As you deal with this problem especially when you work in a business center, it's important to not let their behavior hurt you. Industrial psycho.....

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Serviced Offices

Shared Business Space – The Long Run Model
21 Nov 2018 | 801 Views | 0 Comments

Shared Business Space – The Long Run Model

In the race of filling wealth pots, co-working space industry is booming immensely. The small as well as big organizations are coming to demand for more space and this is giving lead to co-working rentals space. The model of shared workspace expands one’s abilities irrespective o.....

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Meeting Rooms

New Research Shows Standing Meetings Can Improve Employee Productivity
13 Nov 2018 | 900 Views | 0 Comments

New Research Shows Standing Meetings Can Improve Employee Productivity

Ditching the chair and standing up in company conferences improves higher collaboration in teams by increasing engagement and flow of ideas, researchers at Washington University have found. Sitting on your chair for long periods is the main cause for backaches and alternative h.....

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Serviced Offices

Importance of Location while Selecting a Virtual Office
05 Nov 2018 | 960 Views | 0 Comments

Importance of Location while Selecting a Virtual Office

Virtual offices could be your answer if you are looking for cost-effective alternative to fixed office spaces. You should select your virtual office carefully as it will affect your business growth in many ways. C.....

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Serviced Offices

Sharing a Workspace is a Great Way to Save Money
31 Oct 2018 | 958 Views | 0 Comments

Sharing a Workspace is a Great Way to Save Money

Whether you run a small business, or work as a freelancer, or are a solo entrepreneur, you would be happy to know that sharing a workspace could help you save money for your business. Working from home might be a good option in terms of saving money, but when y.....

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Serviced Offices

Open Office Spaces vs. Cubicles
22 Oct 2018 | 1277 Views | 0 Comments

Open Office Spaces vs. Cubicles

Chances are there that ‘cubicles’ might be an uncommon term for you. The cubicle arrangement in offices has been vanishing in the last fifteen years. Offices with open work spaces are considered better nowadays. However, many arguments are in favour and against both of the options. ..

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Important things to keep into consideration for start-up founders
05 Oct 2018 | 547 Views | 0 Comments

Important things to keep into consideration for start-up founders

Each time an entrepreneur decides to begin with a new business, there are a lot of things to get done in a limited span of time and the lack of budget may lead the entrepreneur to think that every task has to be finished by himself, which in reality is ineffective. The most com.....

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Office Lifestyle

Things to know before you choose a coworking space...!
20 Sep 2018 | 807 Views | 0 Comments

Things to know before you choose a coworking space...!

Working in coworking spaces can be awesome for all the perfect reasons. Working on same desk provides you with greater opportunities of learning, collaborating, and networking that any other working platform can only wish for. However, you might be a solopreneur who has never worked in a shared s.....

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Be a Leader Rather Than a Boss
02 Jul 2018 | 666 Views | 0 Comments

Be a Leader Rather Than a Boss

What comes to your mind, when you think about your ‘Boss’? He/she may be stubborn, adamant, partial, and just wants to be heard first. Don’t worry, we’re not friends with your boss. In fact, most of us feel the same way when we think about our bosses.However, every one o.....

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