Office Lifestyle

Office Chats that Make Workplace Fun

09 Jan 2019 | 922 Views | 0 Comments
Sameera Reddy
Office Chats that Make Workplace Fun

Why do you go to the office? Obviously, work is one reason, but what makes you willing to go to the office. Isn’t office chats one of the reasons? Office chats are an integral part of the office lifestyle. Be it gossips during the coffee breaks, or chats on messengers while working, office conversations are fun and important. They are important to improve peer relation at workplace.


We at HuntOffices, decided to find out the most common topics of office chats, and did a survey on it. We were happy to know that workplace chats are not limited to sales figures and achieved targets. People have other peppy topics to talk on and make workplace fun for themselves. Here are our findings, check out which ones you relate to.


When the week begins


What do you miss the most when a new week starts? Of course, it is the weekend. Things you did during the weekend are the most loved topic, especially on annoying Mondays. Everyone shares what he or she did the last weekend.


When the week ends


Well, the weekend is always on our mind, by the time the week ends, co-workers tend to discuss their plans for the forthcoming weekend. In fact, they exchange ideas to make the coming weekend better. The survey highlighted one universal truth and that is Everyone Love Weekends!


Weather report


The changing weather is the most common topic of discussion everywhere. People from business centres in Delhi love to complain about the extremely hot, cold, humid, dry, sunny, cloudy, all types of weather. In case, the weather turns out to be pleasant, people at work complain about not being able to enjoy it.


The idiot box!


Everyone loves the idiot box. But, the choice of what to watch on it differs. Here the results of the survey turned a little gender biased. Most of the men voted for contents like news and sports. Whereas the women preferred to discuss the last episode of some talk show or talent hunt. Wardrobes of the celebrities are always the highlights of the conversations among women.


Little fights


Teasing each other during the breaks is the best recreation at work. Questions like who makes the best tea remain unanswered forever. However, these topics help to keep the environment at work light and friendly.


Reviewing wardrobes


When it comes to reviewing wardrobe, it is not limited to the celebrities. Co-workers, especially the females love to discuss the latest fashion trends. It might be someone’s new top or the new hairstyle.


Random Topics


The topics range from the dirty windowpanes in the office to politics, from a new movie to office gossip, or about the smallest things around, like a new showpiece on the desk.


Bitching about the boss


This one is everyone’s favourite, we suppose! Bosses are the least loved creatures on the Earth. The love graph goes below the base line when your boss assigns you tasks at the last moment. That is the moment when you accept the challenge from your boss with a smile but erupt like a volcano in front of your colleagues.


Last but not the least


This topic is the least voted, or actually, the least accepted one. It is the office romance. Yes, flirting is one of the most common topics of conversations at workplace. Healthy flirting, to a legitimate extent is appreciated by all and required to keep the spirits high.


What are your favourite topics to talk on with your office mates?



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