Office Lifestyle

How to Deal With Office Politics?

16 Apr 2018 | 714 Views | 0 Comments
Sameera Reddy
How to Deal With Office Politics?

You choose or not, politics at the workplace is something that you cannot ignore. Therefore, it is important to learn how to tackle with office politics in the most professional manner.


Office politic is a product of employee’s gossips, wooing boss for growth and influence people. One has to accept the fact that a group of people in a closed office setup influences others to help them with different needs. But the reality is people only work towards broadening the scope of their own growth and you are left with options – freeze, flight or fight.


Know Your Self


Every piece of information is important, whether it is related to team’s budget, colleague exit or upcoming business plan. It is not necessary to be a part of gossip mongers to get such information, but networking with people who can provide such information with less involvement do no harm. In such scenarios, freeze response will do best for you.

•   During lunch hours, spend time with teammates and hear it out

•   Keep your priorities straight and draw attention to your awesome work

•   Let your results speak for you and become an indispensable part of the system

•   Do not run after labels and keep your boss apprised of that you are ready for greater challenges


Interpersonal Relations


For any business entity, it is important that its people see the bigger picture while doing the set jobs for which company has hired them. Most of the managers tend to miss the important colours, while portraying the complete picture in front of employees. Here comes the ability to question and seek information. But, what if the person has less time and cannot answer the questions? Work on the interpersonal relations, banking on which you can approach your managers and above and seek information.


Think in Parallel with People Problems


Most of the companies these days are seeing less revenue not because of their weak sales strategies, but the conflict between people due to faulty interpersonal relations. The challenge comes here, when your planning got stuck at a dead-end point where leaders are standing, holding their egos tight. The attainment of organizational goals becomes an impossible task to complete because of personal issues. Hence, it is important to plan things assuming what all possible people problems can come into the picture of the initial or later stage.


Interpersonal skills are must-to-have when it comes to achieving organizational objectives with a higher success rate. This can be improved by understanding one’s own self-concept, feelings, needs and compatibility.



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