
6 Ways Business Centres Can Get Better Customer Feedback

09 Oct 2019 | 880 Views | 0 Comments
Sameera Reddy
6 Ways Business Centres Can Get Better Customer Feedback

The business centre industry is based on services. Customer feedback is a major part in the success of a business centre. If you run a business centre in New Delhi, Mumabi or any other city, here are 6 ways to help you get better feedback from your customers. Prospective clients of business centres generally ask the existing occupants and try to know more about their experiences in the particular business centre. They give a truer picture for them.


This becomes the most important way to receive a better customer feedback.


Word-of-mouth advertising is one of the best marketing tools, specially for business centres, where a major part of business is based on services to the clients. New clients tend to believe feedbacks from existing clients more than anyone from the business centre team. At present, when competition among business centres is at peak, making the existing clients happy is extremely important as they can act as brand ambassadors.


Here are 6 tips to enable you to receive better customer feedbacks:


Have a Transparent Beginning


From day one, be crystal clear in your dealings. Be it any clause related to usage of inventory, timings of delivering services, charges/payment or the tenure, don’t hide anything from your client. It will create a problem later. Don’t be in a hurry to fill the space in your business centre, give your client every little detail he/she may require before signing the agreement. They should be aware of the rules and restrictions they need to follow if they occupy office space in your centre. Clear talks at the beginning can ensure healthy business relations in the future.


Don’t receive complaints, ask for them


When there are many clients in your business centre, confusions and little complains are bound to happen. It is your responsibility to not to turn those small complaints into big ones. Take regular feedback from the occupants. Short on-the-go meetings with your clients and asking them, “how is it going?” is a better idea than telling them to fill feedback forms, as they may find it as a waste of time. In case you hear a complaint from anyone, act on it and resolve it at the very same time. This will increase your credibility in front of the clients.


Looks Matter


Looks are important to create the first impression. Old paints, worn out office furniture, stained coffee tables can make your business centre look old and unappealing. Nobody would enjoy working in a low maintained workplace. Don’t make it depressing for them to come to work just because they have paid for it. Keep your business centre fresh.


Add the Personal Touch


Do you really know your client? How about having a surprise evening tea with them. Another great way to be friendlier with your clients is to celebrate with them. Diwali, New year and other festivals are appropriate time to organize small events and invite their participation. This way they will develop a sense of belongingness in your business centre. It will enhance their experience.


Be within their reach


You cannot go from door to door all the time to listen to your clients. But, don’t be out of their reach. If you cannot do that, tell your staff to make your clients comfortable in their workplace. They should know whom they could approach in case they have some problem. Don’t make it difficult for them to convey their issue with too many procedures to follow. Keep it simple and make it a priority to resolve their issue as soon as possible.


Stick to your words


Say what you intend to do and do what you told your clients. Is no point in trying to play with words because it spoils the work relation. It takes time to build trust and just a moment to break it. So, do not over-promise and under deliver to your clients. Instead, do the vice-versa. If you are starting a new policy, analyse first that how long you can go with it and if it is feasible or not. If you are planning to have some value added program for your clients, conduct it at regular intervals, only then it will create an impression on their minds.



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